A Bully or Just Rude?

Focus on the Family Counseling Staff We all encounter run-of-the-mill rudeness. But bullying is a deliberate attack on another person’s worth and dignity. We need to have ongoing conversations with our kids about the difference between rudeness (hurt) and bullying (harm). When your child is on the receiving end of someone’s bad behavior, three questions […]
What’s Your Next Pitch?

Written by: Brad Kahle, Psy.D. Several years ago, I was watching a sports program, and a sportscaster was interviewing Greg Maddox who was, at the time, the best baseball pitcher in baseball. Being a Cubs fan, I am still bitter about the fact that they let him get away and he was a superstar for […]
Is It Just A Fight Or Emotional Abuse?

This piece can only offer a brief overview of a complex topic. If you suspect that you or someone you know is in an abusive relationship, go to a safe place and call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233, or visit them online at thehotline.org Everyone has an occasional bad day and reacts to other […]
9 Reasons to Get Married

By: Dr. Greg Smalley Why is marriage more than a formal declaration of love and commitment between two people? Learn about nine good reasons to get married. Watch a classic black-and-white movie, and you pretty much know how it’s going to end. In an old-fashioned Western, the white-hatted hero will ride into the sunset. A monster movie? The monster won’t survive to the credits (until the next sequel comes […]