Marriage in the Second Half of Life
February is Valentine’s Month – a time to focus on the wonders of love, romance, and marriage. For obvious reasons, these themes usually conjure up images of young, vibrant, fresh-faced couples who seem ready to conquer the world together. But what about the rest of us? Does Valentine’s Day have any meaning for folks who […]
Depression After the Holidays
The holidays are over and the busyness behind us, at least until Valentines Day. The frenzied shopping, food preparation, wrapping presents, candlelit church services, New Years resolutions that look a lot like last year, all behind us as we face the winter months. So we take a deep breath, our thoughts and feelings catching up […]
Who’s In The Driver’s Seat?: A Fresh Look At Schizophrenia
Those with friends or relatives who suffer from schizophrenia freely talk about the angers, odd behaviors, social isolation, and occasional out-of-control moments that last for days or months or even years, when family members wring their hands and worry themselves sick. And yes, they talk about the voices, which are sometimes so strong they seem […]