The Power of Gratitude for a New Year
When most of us reflect on this past year, our first thoughts may not be pleasant ones. We may think about our hardships. We may feel overwhelmed with loss. We may be reminded how COVID has wreaked havoc and chaos in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. If this is the […]
When You Can’t Find Your Space
In her book Chosen for Christ*, Heather Holleman describes having dinner with a tight-knit family: At this table, besides me, were grandparents, two teen brothers, a father and mother, and a daughter no more than six years old, all competing for attention. We all had so much to say. As we talked over one another, […]
When You Can’t Find Your Space
In her book Chosen for Christ*, Heather Holleman describes having dinner with a tight-knit family: At this table, besides me, were grandparents, two teen brothers, a father and mother, and a daughter no more than six years old, all competing for attention. We all had so much to say. As we talked over one another, […]
Pursuing a Self-Disciplined Life for the New Year
Some time ago (before COVID), I was enjoying some soup at Olive Garden with some friends, and the waiter briskly walked up and daringly put that nice hot basket of breadsticks in front of me. I tried to avoid looking at it, but the alluring temptation seemed to abound. I noticed that my friends were […]
Getting Out of the Bleachers and Into the Game
You ever find it difficult to get enough energy and/or motivation to start changing? Yes- we all have been there! Sometimes, it is just a lot easier to stay in the bleachers than to “get out into the game”. It becomes comfortable and convenient just to keep things status quo, even when the status quo […]
Getting Out of the Bleachers and Into the Game
You ever find it difficult to get enough energy and/or motivation to start changing? Yes- we all have been there! Sometimes, it is just a lot easier to stay in the bleachers than to “get out into the game”. It becomes comfortable and convenient just to keep things status quo, even when the status quo […]
When Your New Year Feels Uncertain
For some, the blank slate of a new year feels exciting. But for others, the unknown is unsettling. Not having everything planned — not even knowing where to start — can leave you wondering if you missed God’s voice. Or worse, if He even cares. In our goal-driven society, it’s easy to lose sight of […]
Depression After the Holidays
The holidays are over and the busyness behind us, at least until Valentines Day. The frenzied shopping, food preparation, wrapping presents, candlelit church services, New Years resolutions that look a lot like last year, all behind us as we face the winter months. So we take a deep breath, our thoughts and feelings catching up […]