Aftershock Devotional Series #8:
The Road to Recovery
You’ve been traumatized by your spouse’s sexual sin. However, with care, you can begin to experience moments of relief and eventually even refreshment. And if your spouse truly repents of their sin, it will take bothof you to accomplish full marital healing. Trust, forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration are all part of the recovery process. Trust […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #7:
Confront Your Spouse
It’s time to confront your spouse with what you know or suspect about their sexual sin. Or, if facts are in the open but your spouse won’t take action to change, it’s time to confront them with what must happen next. And how they handle the confrontation will guide your response. How to respond if […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #7:
Confront Your Spouse
It’s time to confront your spouse with what you know or suspect about their sexual sin. Or, if facts are in the open but your spouse won’t take action to change, it’s time to confront them with what must happen next. And how they handle the confrontation will guide your response. How to respond if […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #6:
Make Decisions and Prepare for Action
By this point, you’ve worked to understand your own emotions in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, and you’ve learned the importance of self-care. Now you’re ready to take loving, firm action. But you’ll want to prepare before confronting your spouse. Here are some important things to consider. Understand the severity of your situation In […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #6:
Make Decisions and Prepare for Action
By this point, you’ve worked to understand your own emotions in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, and you’ve learned the importance of self-care. Now you’re ready to take loving, firm action. But you’ll want to prepare before confronting your spouse. Here are some important things to consider. Understand the severity of your situation In […]
Aftershock Devotional Series#3:
Action Steps to Manage Emotions
Last month we talked about feelings of anger, shame, grief, and anxiety in the aftermath of your spouse’s sexual sin. And we highlighted the truth that emotions aren’t right or wrong, they just are. Think of them as warning lights on your car’s dashboard. If you understand what a flashing light means, you know what […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #2: Understand Your Emotions
Learning of a spouse’s sexual sin can cause a wide range of emotions. But learning to understand and work through them will strengthen you. And it will let you devote energy to moving forward with dignity and healing — and hopefully save your marriage in the process. Your emotions matter, no matter what you’re feeling. […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #1: Overarching Principles
In February, we overviewed how to move forward after discovering a spouse’s sexual sin. Maybe that’s your story. Or maybe it’s the journey of a friend or the painful reality for your adult son or daughter, and you want to point them to hope and help. Whatever the situation, we want to give you knowledge […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #1: Overarching Principles
In February, we overviewed how to move forward after discovering a spouse’s sexual sin. Maybe that’s your story. Or maybe it’s the journey of a friend or the painful reality for your adult son or daughter, and you want to point them to hope and help. Whatever the situation, we want to give you knowledge […]
Aftershock: 4 Steps Forward
If you’ve discovered that your spouse is viewing pornography—maybe over years of your marriage—you likely feel as if your world is crumbling. The sense of betrayal can seem overwhelming. You want your relationship to be restored, but there’s no quick fix for what’s happened. Don’t lose hope! As you look to the difficult road ahead, […]