Let Go of Your Leaves
Weather patterns around the globe have been a little off-kilter. One noticeable effect is that deciduous trees with short-lived leaves (think maples) didn’t all faithfully shed their foliage over the winter. Why not? They either got too cold or too hot. Normally, as days shorten, trees go through abscission. The process of abscission is responsible […]
Let Go of Your Leaves
Weather patterns around the globe have been a little off-kilter. One noticeable effect is that deciduous trees with short-lived leaves (think maples) didn’t all faithfully shed their foliage over the winter. Why not? They either got too cold or too hot. Normally, as days shorten, trees go through abscission. The process of abscission is responsible […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
How to Weather Soul Drought
In northern India, the gap between winter snowmelt and springtime glacier melt makes agriculture almost impossible. The paradox? There’s not a shortage of water, but the water isn’t available at the right time. That is, until a local engineer figured out how to freeze water in the winter so it can be used during the […]
Resignation or Relinquishment
Despite all you’ve tried, all the hours on your knees, circumstances haven’t changed. You’re discouraged. Anxious. Restless. Distrustful. And the question facing you, if you stand any chance of making it through fires of ongoing sorrow, is this: Will you live halfheartedly, resigned to “fate” — or will you relinquish your expectations to the living […]
Resignation or Relinquishment
Despite all you’ve tried, all the hours on your knees, circumstances haven’t changed. You’re discouraged. Anxious. Restless. Distrustful. And the question facing you, if you stand any chance of making it through fires of ongoing sorrow, is this: Will you live halfheartedly, resigned to “fate” — or will you relinquish your expectations to the living […]
How to Cope with Grief and Loss during Covid-19
Everyone has, to some extent, experienced isolation during Covid-19 restrictions. Some are quarantined after an infection or exposure to the virus. Others, due to age or vulnerability, are separated from those they love. This has tremendously impacted and even prevented major life events such as graduations, weddings, and, perhaps most devastating, funerals. Supporting loved ones […]