Codependency (Part 1 of 5): An Overview

Meier Clinics Moment – January 1st, 2025 Focus on the Family Counseling Staff Jill’s story Jill told her counselor about trying to save two failed marriages, both with husbands who struggled with substance abuse and were abusive and unfaithful. Now her third marriage was playing out the same way. Jill shared that Dad abandoned the […]
Being a Person of Hope in a World of Anxiety

It’s one thing to deal with normal life stress. Add in natural disasters, worldwide disease, interruption of school and work, loss of income … and the effects of multiple stressors aren’t far behind. Anxiety can be summed up as too much too fast. But there’s no fast and simple way to recover. So be patient […]
Tough Love in Adult Relationships Part 3
Our three-part series on tough love in adult relationship can only offer an overview of this complex topic. It’s important that you read the full article to unpack these principles and get a handle on whether and how they might impact your specific situation: Tough Love in Adult Relationships. For this final column in the series, we’ll look at tough love in marriage and when parenting an adult […]
Tough Love in Adult Relationships Part 1
The concept of tough love has been around a long time — and it’s been misunderstood and misused for just as long. The problems usually revolve around a person’s reason for using tough love and how they carry it out. Here’s the truth: Tough love isn’t a formula or quick fix to the heartache you face. But it’s the right […]
When You’re Not Sure Whether Family Members Are Just Annoying or Truly Unsafe
Here come the holidays — and perhaps pointed expectations to gather with family. But what if you’re feeling pressure to be with relatives who you’re not sure you can trust? First, never assume that family members are safe and supportive just because “they’re family.” A safe person is someone who takes responsibility for their actions […]
When an Unemployed Adult Son or Daughter Lives at Home
As your child grows, the template needs to shift from parent-child to adult-adult. They’re not your adult child; they are your adult son or adult daughter. They’ve become your peer. But breaking the once-a-parent-always-a-parent mindset is difficult and can strain the relationship between a husband and wife. A common reason for this tension? When capable […]
When Your Married Son or Daughter Seems Emotionally Distant
Learning to relate to your adult son or daughter in healthy ways takes wisdom. And for many parents, switching gears from connecting as parent-child to adult-adult isn’t easy. You know you need to let them go, but you don’t want to lose a close relationship. That’s not a bad thing; God designed moms and dads […]
How to Deal Wisely With Manipulative People
Note: This piece gives a broad overview of emotional manipulation. But manipulation in marriage can be more complex and must be addressed with sensitivity and care. If you’re married and wonder about the differences between an unhealthy exchange and abuse, we encourage you to read our article Signs of Emotional Abuse. We’ve all known manipulative people, […]
How to Deal Wisely With Manipulative People
Note: This piece gives a broad overview of emotional manipulation. But manipulation in marriage can be more complex and must be addressed with sensitivity and care. If you’re married and wonder about the differences between an unhealthy exchange and abuse, we encourage you to read our article Signs of Emotional Abuse. We’ve all known manipulative people, […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #9:
Set Yourself Up for Success
Successis sometimes defined as “reaching a particular goal, achieving a desired end, and relishing victory over defeat.” However, success is often found in the process rather than a single destination. And just think how far you’ve come as you’ve confronted your spouse’s sexual sin. Most importantly, you have given God room to work. You have […]