Hope After Death
With the Corona pandemic, many of us have experienced the deaths of friends and family members. Some of these died from Corona, some from other causes that may have caught us by surprise, absorbed, as we were, in the strange and isolated world which COVID has foisted on us. This may be a time to […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
Tips for Coping with the Holidays
The holidays bring excitement and joy for many people. Celebrating the birth of our Lord gives us joy and peace and we look forward to new year ahead with hope. However, the holidays can also bring much stress. This time of year, often brings many demands to our lives, including cooking meals, shopping, baking, cleaning, […]
Gratitude: The Antidote To Fear
Fear gripped the entire world in March when countries began to shut down to stay safe from Covid 19, a new and highly contagious virus. Sheltering in place (nice words for ‘stay home’) was mandated in most countries, requiring people to live isolated in their home or apartment. Change and flexibility was required of everyone. […]
The Effects of Remote Learning on Children
Prior to March 2020, school was a constant in the lives of most American children. School was not only a place of learning, but a place of social interaction, a place to play, a place to share meals and a place to develop and maintain relationships with peers and teachers. However, with Covid-19, schools across […]
How to Cope with Grief and Loss during Covid-19
Everyone has, to some extent, experienced isolation during Covid-19 restrictions. Some are quarantined after an infection or exposure to the virus. Others, due to age or vulnerability, are separated from those they love. This has tremendously impacted and even prevented major life events such as graduations, weddings, and, perhaps most devastating, funerals. Supporting loved ones […]
How to Cope with Grief and Loss during Covid-19
Everyone has, to some extent, experienced isolation during Covid-19 restrictions. Some are quarantined after an infection or exposure to the virus. Others, due to age or vulnerability, are separated from those they love. This has tremendously impacted and even prevented major life events such as graduations, weddings, and, perhaps most devastating, funerals. Supporting loved ones […]