Celebrating 46 Years of Providing Faith-based, Christian, Mental Health Services
It is hard to believe that it was 46 years ago— in 1976—that we first opened up the Clinics (then known as “Minirth-Meier Clinics”) to help serve the Dallas area with Christian counseling services while psychiatrists Dr. Frank Minirth and Dr. Paul Meier taught full time at Dallas Theological Seminary. Their goal was to help […]
When an Unemployed Adult Son or Daughter Lives at Home
As your child grows, the template needs to shift from parent-child to adult-adult. They’re not your adult child; they are your adult son or adult daughter. They’ve become your peer. But breaking the once-a-parent-always-a-parent mindset is difficult and can strain the relationship between a husband and wife. A common reason for this tension? When capable […]
Enabling the Addict: What An Addict Really Needs From You
Addiction is a common disease that is ravaging families across America. Data shows that roughly 23.5 million Americans have a problem with substance abuse but only 2.5 million receive treatment. Additionally, about 19.5 million substance abusers saw no need for treatment or that their substance abuse was problematic. Addiction is a disease that affects the […]
Coping with Loses as we Age
We grow up reading fairy tales where the story always ends, “and they lived happily ever after.” But as you grow up, reality is often harsh. In junior high school, kids tease everybody, including you. In high school, you don’t make the basketball team, even though you assumed a few years earlier that you would […]
When You Can’t Seem to Bridge the Emotional Gap in Your Marriage
Loneliness in marriage is deeply hurtful and exhausting. You might have tried everything to get help — including professional counseling — but it feels like your spouse can’t or won’t connect with you. Consider three easy-to-miss issues that might contribute to the emotional distance in your marriage: autism spectrum disorder, reactive attachment disorder, and traumatic […]
Are You Purpling?: The Battle of Wills
Now you’re probably wondering, “What in the world is purpling? Is that even a word?” My spell check says it is not, but read on and I’ll explain what I mean by “purpling.” You see God has two wills – His perfect will and His permissive will. We’re in one or the other at all […]
When Your Married Son or Daughter Seems Emotionally Distant
Learning to relate to your adult son or daughter in healthy ways takes wisdom. And for many parents, switching gears from connecting as parent-child to adult-adult isn’t easy. You know you need to let them go, but you don’t want to lose a close relationship. That’s not a bad thing; God designed moms and dads […]
The Teen Suicide Pandemic
There is a pandemic affecting adolescents that has been growing in severity for decades, without the coverage or attention that it deserves. Suicide is a hard subject to talk about, and in many cultures speaking of any mental illness or problem includes the connotation that those struggling mentally are defective members of society, overreacting to […]
How to Deal Wisely With Manipulative People
Note: This piece gives a broad overview of emotional manipulation. But manipulation in marriage can be more complex and must be addressed with sensitivity and care. If you’re married and wonder about the differences between an unhealthy exchange and abuse, we encourage you to read our article Signs of Emotional Abuse. We’ve all known manipulative people, […]
How to Deal Wisely With Manipulative People
Note: This piece gives a broad overview of emotional manipulation. But manipulation in marriage can be more complex and must be addressed with sensitivity and care. If you’re married and wonder about the differences between an unhealthy exchange and abuse, we encourage you to read our article Signs of Emotional Abuse. We’ve all known manipulative people, […]