A Different Christmas
On a chilly December day many years ago, we took our young children to see a living nativity. The nativity included a number of sheep, a donkey, and people dressed as Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. A well-swaddled doll served as a stand-in for baby Jesus, tucked in the manger and surrounded by hay. Our […]
When Holiday Blues Overshadow the Christmas Spirit
Celebrating Advent at church, decorating, baking, wrapping … It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right?! Not always. Many people experience a rise in anxiety, stress, and sadness during the season. Christians included. Just because we know the hope manifested in the birth of our Savior doesn’t mean all is calm and bright. We […]
Good Manners: An Expression of Gratitude
Feeling the pressure to rush through Thanksgiving on the march to All Things Christmas? You’re not alone. But as culture cares less and less about respect and gratitude, we must be even more intentional about practicing inward thankfulness and outward kindness. Why not challenge your family to take thoughtful steps this November. To extend a […]
Building A Healthy Home
It’s easy to take a healthy home for granted — whether you’re part of one or wish you were. They don’t just happen, though. Healthy homes are built (and rebuilt!) with sweat, tears, and laughter. With loved ones committed to supporting each other through good and bad. And with humble reliance on the One who […]
Making Space for Each Other This Summer
Summer’s in full swing—and like a lot of families, you’re making the most of the time. That means doingeverything together, right? Right?! Mission trips, camping, baseball, movie nights, vacation Bible school … We have to cram in as much togetherness as we can because it won’t last! If that sounds familiar, take a breath. We […]
Making Space for Each Other This Summer
Summer’s in full swing—and like a lot of families, you’re making the most of the time. That means doingeverything together, right? Right?! Mission trips, camping, baseball, movie nights, vacation Bible school … We have to cram in as much togetherness as we can because it won’t last! If that sounds familiar, take a breath. We […]
Living With Bipolar Disorder
Living with bipolar disorder is so misunderstood especially when it comes to the effect it has on everyone in a family. Join Dr. Lisa Day as she discusses what it is like to not only work with patients dealing with bipolar but also their family members.
Setting Boundaries with In-Laws
In-Law relations can constitute a serious challenge for any married couple. This is especially true in the case of newlyweds. If you’ve recently tied the knot, you probably know what we mean. It’s not unusual for mothers and fathers of brides and grooms to get so excited about staying actively involved in the lives of […]