Aftershock Devotional Series #7:
Confront Your Spouse
It’s time to confront your spouse with what you know or suspect about their sexual sin. Or, if facts are in the open but your spouse won’t take action to change, it’s time to confront them with what must happen next. And how they handle the confrontation will guide your response. How to respond if […]
Christmas Memories
Memories of Christmases past are like presents under the tree. Arriving in all shapes and sizes, some grab our attention and overshadow the thoughts of the season, while others are small and hidden away. Christmas memories which dominate the season tend to be either the warm and fuzzy type or the ones that are as […]
Christmas Memories
Memories of Christmases past are like presents under the tree. Arriving in all shapes and sizes, some grab our attention and overshadow the thoughts of the season, while others are small and hidden away. Christmas memories which dominate the season tend to be either the warm and fuzzy type or the ones that are as […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #6:
Make Decisions and Prepare for Action
By this point, you’ve worked to understand your own emotions in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, and you’ve learned the importance of self-care. Now you’re ready to take loving, firm action. But you’ll want to prepare before confronting your spouse. Here are some important things to consider. Understand the severity of your situation In […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #6:
Make Decisions and Prepare for Action
By this point, you’ve worked to understand your own emotions in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, and you’ve learned the importance of self-care. Now you’re ready to take loving, firm action. But you’ll want to prepare before confronting your spouse. Here are some important things to consider. Understand the severity of your situation In […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #5:
Take Care of Yourself
As you move toward healing in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, taking good care of yourself will help you find firm footing. Nine ways to care for yourself Be responsible for yourself Your spouse’s behavior isn’t your fault, and it’s not yours to fix. Your responsibility is to be who God created you to […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #5:
Take Care of Yourself
As you move toward healing in light of your spouse’s sexual sin, taking good care of yourself will help you find firm footing. Nine ways to care for yourself Be responsible for yourself Your spouse’s behavior isn’t your fault, and it’s not yours to fix. Your responsibility is to be who God created you to […]
Aftershock Devotional Series #4:
Overcome Distorted Thinking
How you respond to your spouse’s sexual sin is key to moving forward in the best way possible. But the way you think about your situation is also critical. Distorted thinking might initially relieve your pain because it lets you distance from unpleasant feelings. Sooner or later, though, distress will surface. When you understand distorted […]
Exercise and Mental Wellness
Scripture states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). While we can find strength through this verse for any of life’s challenges, I have been pondering this lately regarding health and wellness. We know that we will experience physical and mental illness during our lifetime; however, we can do great […]
Exercise and Mental Wellness
Scripture states, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). While we can find strength through this verse for any of life’s challenges, I have been pondering this lately regarding health and wellness. We know that we will experience physical and mental illness during our lifetime; however, we can do great […]