Dealing with Anxiety
Meier Clinics provides services to people with various mental health illnesses including depression, bipolar, psychosis, ADHD and various forms of anxiety. This article will focus on anxiety, which is defined as how our bodies respond to a stressor or stimulating factor. The words “fear not” appear in the bible 365 times. That is symbolic as […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
But God…
We have seen so many changes in this past year, and it’s hard to wrap our minds around this “new normal.” Simply put, we have our pre-COVID lives and our since COVID lives. We used to be able to gather with our friends and family, unafraid. We used to be able to go out to […]
Pause: Making Space for Your Soul in a Jam-Packed Day
Do you feel like you’re busy ALL the time? Our days are often filled to the brim with activity. Work. Chores. Kids. Sports. Volunteering. Friends. Exercise. The list goes on. The demands on our time can seem never-ending. We go from this thing to the next thing to the next thing, ad nauseam. Get a […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
This past year with the pandemic, being quarantined, and social and political unrest, we often struggle to make sense of daily life. As believers, we read 1 Thessalonians 5:18, which tells us to give thanks in all circumstances. To give thanks in all circumstances invites us to call out to God. There is a tension […]
How to Break the Worry Habit
A mom and toddler stopped every few feet on their walk to look at a bug, a sprout, a rock … Nothing escaped the little girl’s gaze. A woman coming along the path asked the mother, “Don’t you get tired of stopping and bending down so often?” “Not at all,” the mom smiled. “I brought […]
Finding Peace in a Time of Strife
Many of the symptoms that bring people to the Meier Clinics may be described as a lack of peace: interiorly, relationally, and globally. We at the Clinics have heard many tragic stories of fearful, troubled, broken, and often fragmented hearts and minds. People are impacted by all forms of prejudice and hatred. People are trying […]
When You Can’t Find Your Space
In her book Chosen for Christ*, Heather Holleman describes having dinner with a tight-knit family: At this table, besides me, were grandparents, two teen brothers, a father and mother, and a daughter no more than six years old, all competing for attention. We all had so much to say. As we talked over one another, […]
When You Can’t Find Your Space
In her book Chosen for Christ*, Heather Holleman describes having dinner with a tight-knit family: At this table, besides me, were grandparents, two teen brothers, a father and mother, and a daughter no more than six years old, all competing for attention. We all had so much to say. As we talked over one another, […]